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Interview with Social Media Citizen: Jonas Kit Nielsen

Jonas Klit NielsenJonas Klit Nielsen is co-founder and Managing Partner of Mindjumpers, a leading social media agency based in Denmark. Jonas works with various companies developing strategies for implementing and creating value through the use of social media. As a blogger it’s his aim to share the strategic insights and thoughts, generated through his agency’s work. You can connect with Jonas on Twitter here.

G: How and why did you get into social media business?

J: I were fascinated by the human aspect and how it seemed like something that would in general change the world of communication and interaction between people, brands and companies.

G: What is it like to be a real Social Media Citizen?

J: Especially in the beginning I did not refer to myself as a social media citizen, I am a generation x and before I started working with social media, most people would define me as a person who did love changes to much – you know who moved my cheese 😉 But by hard work in the beginning I got to see the possibilities of an open mind when it comes to social media. I have probably spend about 8000 hours over the last 2-3 years reading, exploring, playing and talking about social media, I have put a lot of effort into becoming a person for whom it’s a natural thing to get news, clients, information and new friends through social media.

G: What are your favourite social media hang out sites?

J: My time on social media through an average day is probably spend with:

  • 30% Facebook,
  • 30% Blogs,
  • 20% Twitter,
  • 10% Linkedin and then 10% for all the other great stuff.

G: How are you keeping up-to-date with social media environment?

J: I have various sources, my colleagues is a great source because we at hour agency spend a lot of time on research and put efforts into our own blog. My Twitter network is a great source and for major sites I am like most in the business a sucker for Mashable.

G: What are your favourite Social Media Citizens?

J: I think there is a lot of great people out there and I try to keep an open mind towards getting my news and input from people I might only encounter once in a while. In the beginning I got a lot of info from guys like Chris Brogan, Ben Parr, Julian Smith and the list goes on, but of right now I sort of goes with the news or the story.

G: What are your favourite Marketing/PR tools on social media?

J: I would love to say something else, but it seems like the absolutely number one – also for our clients is Facebook. It just makes the most sense to spend your effort where your target group is and on a platform that got such a high penetration.

G: What are your Top 3 secrets of social media marketing?

J: This might sound wired, but Its very simple: Strategy – Development – Distribution and always remember two words – humans and identity. Way to many forget that they have to make a clear strategy, forget to put resources into development or even worse distribution – because they think every thing is for free and viral. Remember the human aspect – and one of the essence for humans, we use these tools or medias to create our self – to make our identity, a brand or company have to think about that.

G: How did social media change your life?

J: On a million ways – my network is suddenly global, when I travel I can meet up with people I started tweeting with only days before meeting them. Social media have brought me a bunch of opportunities – no doubt I have found something I am truly passionate about.

G: What don’t you like about social media?

J: I hate to see so many efforts being used and lost in trash talking all initiatives. It’s a common thing in the social media bizz, that if you want to call yourself a Guru, Ninja, Cowboy or expert – you have spend some time on the web complaining about this and that. I only respect the people with solutions and ideas – I really don’t like all the people calling them self social media kings of the world and all they have done is piss at other peoples projects.

G: What is the funniest/most unexpected thing that happened due to social media?

J: That’s a bar that gets moved everyday 😉 There is a lot “I cant believe that” creative initiatives out there – I guess my all time favourite is “Where the Hell is Matt” – it’s an incredible story, it’s fun and it’s a basic human thing. (G:It’s one of my favourites too:) On the personal level – I think it’s fun when I get into contact with people that I truly admire, that gives me goose bumps every time.

G: What do you see in the future for the social media?

J: It’s the beginning of the evolution – I strongly believe that with the fast evolution of technology we are having a hard time imagine the social media future. I think at a point it will just become such an ordinary thing, we won’t even talk about social media, its just a part of our lives. My dream of 2020 is a personal “pit-stop” for all our activities on the web, we don’t go from one thing to another – everything gets drawn into your “pit-stop” and  it’s available on all your technical devices from phones, laptop, TV to your car, home etc.

This post was written by:

- who has written 111 posts on Social Media Citizens – Interviews with social media influencers from around the world.

Giedrius Ivanauskas is the founder/editor of Social Media Citizens and co-founder of Social Marketing Forum. He also blogs on Social Media Today and Giedrius is a managing partner at Nearby Digital - location focused social media marketing agency and is passionate explorer of Augmented Reality, Startups and anatomy of Inspiration. He curates inspiration database - Inspirisimo.You can follow Giedrius on Facebook or Twitter

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