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  • How to Build an End-to-End Social Media Conversion Process [case study]

build end to end social media conversionYou generate sales from social media but not on social media.

Would you like an example that you can follow?

In this post, I’m going to show you one example that you can copy for your business!

I met Mike Kawula at a conference a couple of years ago and I was very impressed with his vision for Social Quant.

In case you don’t know the tool, it’s for building your following on Twitter.  You specify the keywords that are relevant to your brand/industry and Social Quant uses its advanced algorithm to search Twitter for accounts using those words.  The, they try to find the most relevant users for you to connect with and follow them on your behalf.

If they follow back that’s great: a connection is made. If not, Social Quant will unfollow these accounts for you.  By doing this quickly and often, Social Quant will build a targeted relevant following on Twitter.

What I was impressed with about Mike is that he understands the importance of building relationships and building a relevant following on social media but he was also a business man who wanted to generate sales.  Mike implemented a strong social media presence across multiple channels, created some great content and built the relationships. Social Quant started to take off and now the company has a 7-figure valuation.

Mike joined our RazorBlazers training club and really liked our PRISM model because it fitted perfectly with his thinking.  Our PRISM model is an end-to-end process for selling, which starts with sharing an update on social media.

In this article, I want to step through how Mike implemented PRISM and how he has seen significant revenue as a result of it.

So let’s go through it.

What is PRISM and how does it apply to social media conversion?

I should really explain PRISM before I jump into the example.

PRISM is our end-to-end model of how you can start with a social media update and go all the way through to a sale.


PRISM logo
PRISM funnel
  • P is for people – You need to build an audience on social media
  • R is for relationships – You build relationships with your audience if you want them to take action.  Content is a great way of building relationships at scale
  • I is for inbound – From the content you share on social, you drive traffic to your site
  • S is for subscribers and social retargeting – In an ideal world, your visitors will buy but the reality is that most will not buy and they’ll leave your site and never come back.  Unless you can capture their details. You do this by building an email subscriber list and/or by building a list you can subsequently retarget with ads.  Social Quant uses a welcome mat popover to collect email addresses from website visitors offering a free guide on Twitter marketing that is converting at 9+% and it generates thousands of email leads per month
  • M is for monetization – Now that you have captured their details, you can build the relationship over time and offer opportunities for your audience to buy.

Here is an example of how Social Quant has implemented PRISM:

Social Quant provides great content through its blog which it distributes through Twitter and other channels.  You’ll also see it is providing free training in the form of a Twitter challenge.  This is pinned to the top of Social Quant’s Twitter feed:


Pinned post


Did you ever check Twitter analytics to see how many people visit your profile page on Twitter?  On our account, there are over 15k visitors a month to our profile and what is the first thing they see?  They see the first tweet that is displayed on your account.  That is why it’s so important to display a Tweet that incentivizes people to visit your website.

In this case, Mike has a a cool challenge.  As you can see, this tweet has been retweeted 165 times!

When someone clicks on this link, they are brought to the following landing page: (note there is great content as part of the challenge so it’s worth signing up -> click here).

Landing page for the challenge


When you want to join the challenge, you select the button ‘I’m in’.  At this stage, you have to provide your email address.

After this, you are shown the following page:

challenge optin
Taking the next step



The video shares details of the challenge.  But, as you can see, there are two additional opportunities to engage:

a) Facebook group – Mike offers you the opportunity to join the Facebook group. This is a free Facebook group that helps Mike build the relationship further with his potential clients

b) Start a trial of Social Quant – At this point, some people will start a trial of the tool.  When a trial is started, there will be a separate email sequence to convert people to become a paid user.

Over the next 14 days, Mike sends out a series of emails to help people become better marketers on Twitter.  This is the first email:

Day 1 email


As you can see, the email says that you can join the challenge without having a trial for Social Quant but there’s still an opportunity to sign up for the trial.

Once you sign up for a trial, there is another sequence of emails, which convert some of those trial users to paid users.

Mike uses Infusionsoft to create all the email sequences and do the relevant tagging to make sure that everyone gets the right emails.

This is the PRISM funnel that anyone involved in social media should be considering.

  • P for people – Mike builds an audience on social media channels
  • R for relationships – He shares great content to build the relationship.  One example of this content is the free challenge
  • I for Inbound – He drives people to his website from a pinned tweet and other content shared on social media
  • S for subscribers and social retargeting – He builds email subscribers from visitors and/or retargets
  • M for monetization – people join the trial of his product and some of them upgrade.

Mike is currently generating close to 6 figures a month with this just one service that Social Quant offers, so it’s fair to say his strategies are working.


You can’t always get your social media followers to visit your website, and even if they don’t, there is still huge value in building a relevant audience.  But when there’s an opportunity to bring people to your website you should jump on this!

You generate sales from social media but not on social media

Implement PRISM and get better results!

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